I had some ideas for shots I've always wanted but have never really gotten, so I put together a fashion shoot with a lovely model, Kristie Maclean (you can find her on model mayhem or email me and I'll get you her contact info if you'd like to work with her too!!) and a talented makeup artist, Victoria Kroll (again, contact me for her inf0). Here are some of my favorites - it was SOOO hard to choose images to post, I love so many of them!!

Vicki did an awesome job on the makeup - look at that color! The "tears" are actually glycerin, I've always wanted to play around with that.

This one doesn't really need a caption I suppose, I just love it!

Kristie is working on a pin-up portfolio, so we did some fun shots in the studio.

I love Kristie's look, and I just had to incorporate the scooter somehow. I think it's almost perfect, if only it were a Vespa...

She's just gorgeous! Don't you love the hair? Vicki did that too :)